Sunday, January 31, 2010

good bye january.

um, so, like, where did my weekend go? i have so much more to do. i did get my craft room, semi-usable. at least i know where things are. i did some laundry, had some fantastic chinese, babied my post-op kitties, and today there was the successful clothes hunt in birch run. i really came away with some cute stuff.

but really, another day please? pretty please?

because there's so much i'd like to do...

1. write in my blog more. the blogs i find most entertaining post regularly. that's obviously not mine. every once and while i come up with a blogging schedule i'd like to stick to but i don't! maybe i'll work on one this week and then next weekend i'll be writing about turning over a new blogging leaf. again.

2. organize my house. it's getting cluttered again. i promised myself this wouldn't happen. maybe if i finished organizing everything then it wouldn't creep up on me. hmm. that's a nice thought.

3. be creative. in many ways. heard from broadcasting in my delta class last week and it inspired me to get involved with video again. i'm not sure how though. i need a day to just sit down and put a real reel together for some of the folks down there. get some solid thoughts down. these ramblings are not solid. and i'm reading these fantastic crafty blogs and they really make me want to get involved in that world.

4. snuggle with the kitties, for ever and ever. and read all day. and catch on project runway. and watch the food network. and sleep. nice things.

okay, i think i'm done with the stream of thoughts for now. i'll leave you with something pretty. 

love, kate

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