Thursday, September 29, 2011

Where We Started / HHM

This delightfully awkward photo was taken a year ago this evening. 

This is where we started.

Matt and I had been programming (picking films for Hell's Half Mile Film & Music Festival) together for the past six months, but this was the first time we had more than a short conversation. Actually, I thought he was kind of a jerk. Sorry babe.

I think if we hadn't talked during the Block Party we wouldn't have felt as comfortable talking during the Filmmaker's reception Saturday night and we would have never... Actually, that's the story for Saturday.

September 29 - October 2, 2011, the sixth year of Hell.

Kate's Recommended Film Viewing Schedule:

5-8p Open­ing Night Street Party Washington St.
8:15p Maria My Love*** @State

6:00p Fea­tured Shorts*** @State {Q & A w/Rider & Shiloh Strong & Alexan­dra Bar­reto lead by ME!}
9:00p Color Me Obsessed*** @State {Q & A w/Gorman Bechard, Jan Radder, Lynn Mancinelli lead by Matt!}
11:00p Eye of the Sandman*** @Masonic {bring your eye patches!}

1:00p Shorts Pro­gram 2*** @Masonic {Q&A with Hard to Come By director lead by me!}
1-2p Film­maker Panel*** @Planetarium
2:30-3:30 Microbudget Filmmaking w/Gorman Bechard*** @Planetarium
3:30p Rid of Me @State
6:00p The Lake Effect***  @State
8:30p Girl­friend*** @State
11:00p Boy Won­der @State
5-7p Film­maker Recep­tion* @Masonic is where I'll be.
8:00p Music Fes­ti­val** @Masonic

12:00p Shorts Pro­gram 2*** @State
2:00p Shorts Pro­gram 1*** @Masonic {Q&A with Spirit of Isabel director, Robert Butler lead by me!} /Didn’t make it to opening night? See Maria My Love*** @State
4:00p The Scen­esters @Masonic/Took a break during previous screenings? See Fea­tured Shorts*** @State /  Rid of Me @Planetarium
7:00p  Ford­son:  Faith, Fast­ing, Football*** @State

**Music Night
The Crooked Trees

*All Access Pass Holder Only 

***Filmmakers in Attendance!

25 filmmakers will be in attendance, including Rider Strong - "Boy Meets World, my ass! Boy meets YOU!" via

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

wrap me up

Mar Mar Co. /via

Yesterday I proclaimed it is fully fall here in Michigan. Tonight, I'd like to be wrapped in this lovely blanket. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

fun stats and facts

I love learning about my blog Stats.

Fun fact: On September 16th the Barilla Babies post tied with my Teach for America - Essay post for most pageviews ever. 
TFA - Essay / barilla babies Babies have now surpassed TFA by 13. :)

is a virtue recently posted about how readers find her. I thought that was fun to read, so I'm doing my own.

kate monthly - I think you're looking for the Seattle Lesbian, but thanks for visiting. I am liking the idea of posting my monthly to do's again.

5k/triathlon playlist - I loved them. Did you? Still need to do a race recap

katie daisy - I've gushed about my love for her prints for sures. I hope you find your way to her shop, The Wheatfield & blog.

go find yourself - This crazy quote filled post is something that I would star and save for later myself. Obviously lots of others do to. I hope you do find yourself.

I'd like to declare it fully fall, friends.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Nan Lawson Good Cheer Deal & Fab

"The animals photographed for this series are real live animals, raised (and most rescued) by loving and dedicated animal keepers and handlers who care for them as their own and ensured their welfare while being photographed (in studio or outside at the facilities where they live, then photoshoppped into the backdrop). Through this series, we help support organizations devoted to animal rescue, educational programs, and nurturing wildlife."
I made my first purchase yesterday and how cool that it was for a good cause. It finally kicked off making purchases for a terribly naked wall in our living room. 
Earlier this year I bought a good cheer deal from oh, hello friend for Nan Lawson's etsy shop.

Nan Lawson has such a great variety of prints. At first Matt was leaning towards the characters, and I was leaning more towards something sweet.

I'm not sure what you'd consider what we did pick, but we like it. 

This stag fits well with the owl above, and will bring a bit more masculinity into myour colorful, (my) girly living room. I have to give Matt props, he never complains about the girly-ness. I just want to blend our two styles, vintage eclectic and quite modern.

Thanks to the discount of the good cheer deal {there are still some left!} we were able to get a second piece. This one is for the bedroom. I narrowed it down to these two...

And Matt chose....

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hell's Half Mile Film & Music Festival

My March - October Tuesday's are spent as film programmer for the Hell's Half Mile Film & Music Festival, and all of that work will be coming to a head this weekend!

September 29 - October 2, 2011, the sixth year of Hell.

Kate's Recommended Film Viewing Schedule:

5-8p Open­ing Night Street Party Washington St.
8:15p Maria My Love @State

6:00p Fea­tured Shorts   @State {Q & A w/Rider & Shiloh Strong & Alexan­dra Bar­reto lead by ME!}
9:00p Color Me Obsessed @State {Q & A w/Gorman Bechard, Jan Radder, Lynn Mancinelli lead by Matt!}
11:00p Eye of the Sandman @Masonic {bring you eye patches!! Q & A following film}

1:00p Shorts Pro­gram 2 @Masonic {Q&A with Hard to Come By director lead by me!}
1-2p Film­maker Panel @Planetarium
2:30-3:30 Microbudget Filmmaking w/Gorman Bechard @Planetarium
3:30p Rid of Me @State
6:00p The Lake Effect  @State
8:30p Girl­friend @State
11:00p Boy Won­der @State
5-7p Film­maker Recep­tion* @Masonic (I'll be here, enjoying delicious beers and reminiscing with Matt since actually... this is our anniversary!)
8:00p Music Fes­ti­val** @Masonic

12:00p Shorts Pro­gram 2 @State
2:00p Shorts Pro­gram 1 @Masonic {Q&A with Spirit of Isabel director, Robert Butler lead by me!} /Didn’t make it to opening night? See Maria My Love @State
4:00p The Scen­esters @Masonic/Took a break during previous screenings? See Fea­tured Shorts @State /  Rid of Me @Planetarium
7:00p  Ford­son:  Faith, Fast­ing, Football @State

**Music Night
The Crooked Trees

*All Access Pass Holder Only 

25 filmmakers will be in attendance, including Rider Strong - "Boy Meets World, my ass! Boy meets YOU!" via

buy me things

I'd love a K+M for Matt and I.
Our anniversary is next weekend. 
It will be a busy weekend with Festival but we were at the Masonic yesterday, and I think it will be nostalgic and sweet to be thinking about where it all started. 

My plans last weekend for a major Fall switch and house clean kind of fell flat. The decorations are mostly out, but the house is quite dusty and the clothes are still packed away. Anyway, unless I have some treasure hidden away that I don't remember, I'd really like a new Fall purse. The one above will do.

Both of these items were found via oh, hello friend's Yellow Week big giveaway! It's open until... well I'm not sure but it says she's drawing the winner the 28th. So until then I guess.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

holy zucchini

I'm obviously slacking on my 30 day photo challenge... but here's something fun FOOD!!!

 holy zucchini

When I received this giant zucchini from a friend I decided I couldn't just do something simple. So, I found four different recipes to try, and it worked pretty great. 

huh, It looks like a squash. Oh, that's right it is.

so. much. cutting. (and this is just for the first dish.)

no eggs to bread with? use apple sauce
(the applesauce was a nice bridge between the apple salad and this dish)

 I think we'd make them all again, one at a time.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

ducks & oats in a jar

Since I'm a day late, I'm going to combine day six & seven into one.

I don't actually remember this, but I love this photo of my grandpa & me. A memory of a memory, if you will.

a train of thought from yesterday--

My peanut butter jar is nearly empty. mmm. > I hate getting sticky hands from trying to scoop out the last of the peanut butter. > Oh, didn't I read cooking something in a peanut butter jar? > I know it was on Rachel's last post {pretty, damn funny. go watch.} > Right, PUMPKIN IN STABLE CONDITION AFTER BEING HUMPED BY BLOGGER > They were talking about something called OIAJ, pumpkin OIAJ at that. What is that? > Oats in a Jar, okay. I think I've seen them mention that over on Lifehacker... I didn't realize it was worth humping a pumpkin or 286,000 Google results. > Okay, what's the deal? Do they cook super fast or... > Wait. HOLD UP. You simply pour your oatmeal into a Peanut Butter Jar...? > There is a serious use of exclamation points related to this. I repeat, you simply pouring your oatmeal into a mostly empty jar of peanut butter, 48 instances in once case. > But, ok. I like peanut butter. I like Oatmeal. I'll give it a shot. > I'll report back tomorrow. > I may never be the same. it goes...

hmm.  That can't be good, bending the plastic with the hot oatmeal?

My life is definitely the same. I'm a little more blogger-y, having experience OIAJ. I'll do it again, before the jar gets quite so low. But I think life will be normal.

Have you had oats in a jar?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

someone i love

My current favorite picture of us. 

Saturday, September 10, 2011


I love me some color, picking one color would be super hard. 
purple, orange, gray, yes please.

Friday, September 9, 2011


Matt and I are heading to Chicago right now, visiting Kayleigh & Brent, hitting up Renegade and enjoying friends. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

what i wore


This is me last fall, October 11th to be exact, all ready to go on my big first date with Matt. It's been almost a year now, and we're as happy as clams.

There's actually a pretty funny story that goes with this. I was all set to wear jeans and a nice top, but then I mentioned to some guys at work that was what I planned to wear. They freaked! No, no, no you can't wear that. You have to step up your game, you know you like this guy. Wear a dress. All of our marriages started when our wives wore dresses on our first dates. We remember it. They were adamant.

So I wore the dress.

And 333 days later it's so good.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

self portrait

Sweet Lacey in Love (really, truly in love these days) is doing a fun Photo Challenge, and I thought I might play along.

 Lacey / via Jenni of Story of my Life / originated here: Oh So Lovely:
So here we go:

I don't think I've ever posted this picture before. It was taken in June 2009. I had just moved home from New York, just bought this car that I'm sitting in, and had gotten caught by a boat on the way home. I love the reflection in the in my sunglasses of blue sky and big truck, the colors I'm wearing and my relaxed smile. I lost those glasses shortly after this, sad days. It's very summer, very Michigan, very me. 

Monday, September 5, 2011

beautiful videos

a ROOFTOP picnic {via kinfolk}

with a sweet JAR of JAM {via bright.bazaar}

Plum Jam from on Vimeo.
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