Sunday, July 31, 2011


Ringing in 2011.
We've been known to "do the shit out of some cheese."

So obviously I enjoy Jo's, of A Cup of Jo, cheese features:

She actually has quite a cheese history on her blog.

I can't wait to try some of theses cheeses. I have one picked out already for our November mini-anni-vaca, but I can't tell you because Matt reads the blog. I'll be sure to post about post cheese goodness.

"Wrapped in cambium cut from the spruce trees on the farm and washed in lambic" Holy, that sounds amazing. It's a Winnimere by Jasper Hill Farm. Mentioned on the Splendid Table. Want to take a road trip? We'd have plenty of time to plan, this cheese is only available from January to June.

Sometimes posts that I'm excited about, like this cheese feature, don't come out sounding like I think they could. Any suggestions to improve that?

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Every Summer

 Sometimes it's gray and chilly.

Sometimes it's hot and sunny.

 There are always some sick dance moves.

 And some awesome hair.
(but no Josh, after a solid 15 years the kid's decided to opt out. weird. :)

Today is our annual, amazing boat trip on the Cheboygan Chain of Lakes (you can get almost all the way across the tip of the mit.

I can't wait.

Friday, July 29, 2011

It's not Friday without Filling In the Blanks.

 1.   My favorite color are orange gray and purple, equally.
2.  My travel destination of choice is a cottage on the lake, fires in the evening, reading in the morning occasional dips in the lake. At least that's what the plan is for Monday and Tuesday. :)

3.  My favorite  food is sushi is up there for sures, Santi's tacos, a good spaghetti. I could never pick just one. 

4.  My happy place is my home, especially when it's clean.

5.  My favorite saying is  Always look on the bright side. / Be eccentric. / Be inspired. / Follow your heart and be your funny self. -Karine Dupont slogan. This is so me.
6.  My dirty little secret is well.. you don't really want to know that.

7.  Something friends might say about me is that I've got quite the happy disposition. Sound about right friends? Or that I'm really boring. ;)

now you. /linking up with Lauren

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Paris Fashions

Five years ago to celebrate my graduation from Delta my mum and I took a wonderful trip to Paris. I was so nervous about to wear I worried about for months beforehand.

This was my birthday outfit, twentyONE baby.

Jordan of Oh, Happy Day recently posted about a look for Paris, and it looks like I was on on the right track. (It's Paris, classic fashions probably don't change too much.)

linking up with Pleated Poppy.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

three things

I had a huge spike in blog views this week and I was trying to figure out why (linking up for What I Wore Wednesday?) Two things I geeked out about... THREE people checked my blog from an iPad. jealous. And Croatia...Do you know who's from Croatia?

Who, oh my goodness!, is apparently playing Dragan Armansky in The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo!

Check out the amazing new poster.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Shabby Apple Outfits!

Shabby Apple did a fun contest on their facebook, create a collection of their items in honor of their sale. I couldn't do just one, so I did three!

Purple shoes = purple tights, with the bugle boy dress. 
I love the idea of the layered necklaces. When I first picked them I didn't realize they were from the same line. 

i love the circus feel of this dress. i'd love to see it with bright blue shoes. 
kind of like this combination from dainty squid.
And of course a dress from the Manhattan line. 
I've loved the Washington Square park dress since I first learned about Shabby Apple.

Friday, July 22, 2011

today is the day

We didn't get a chance to watch the film last weekend because Matt and I wanted to watch them all again. We timed it poorly. Can you believe we procrastinate on things we actually want to do? But...

(image via warner bros / via)

Today is the day, the day we finish the Harry Potter series. The end of an era. (dramatic much?!) 
HPDHp2 here we come.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

one day - the last post (for now)

I like weddings.

I picked out my dress style five years ago. I picked out my shoes five months ago. I picked out my photographer a year ago. but I don't have a ring. I do have a man. I bet he has a plan. I want to have plan. I worry every time I think about and start to plan one day, I ruin a bit of the special time that planning will be.

Since falling in love with Matt and watching our relationship grow my "one day" talk has ramped up. I tend to be half planning all of the time.  I feel like maybe it's come across as I'm more excited about the "big party" than actually being married to Matt. and that's something I need to fix.

I told him the other day that I wanted to stop talking about it until it was actually time to plan because that would make it more special. I really can't wait, but I want to wait. I want to have every bit of excitement that comes with the planning. This is my declaration, my blog pledge, no more talking about any big parties or one day occurrences until there's a ring on it.

This post was also inspired by Rachel's Lessons: Lesson #91: Learn more about weddings and marriage and figure out why you want to get married. on it.{I'm putting Sex at Dawn: in my cart as you read. In the comments Jes said, "I talked to him seriously about it and told him I want to get married TO HIM and not just married to say I was married." This is so true. I dream of a wedding, not excessively, but I think it will be such a fun time for everyone. Matt recently quoted someone, everyone thinks their wedding's special, and really it's just another wedding. sad. The weddings I see and dream about are so much more. They really are special for everyone. I certainly hope mine, one day, can carry that.}

Lesson #92: Think about why you’re not married. {I'm 26. In thank the baby Jesus that I didn't get married young and to my first boyfriend. We might both be dead now. Then I was busy with school and living in New York and then moving home. I know why I'm not married. Honestly, I'm not sure I expected to find that person, the one that I would marry, in the ninth person I dated last year.}

and particularly Lesson #93: Don’t joke about weddings; talk about marriage!
yep this one applies too, Lesson #94: Just be patient.

Really, I don't need much more than this to make me happy.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

birthday girl - what i wore

This is my first time linking up for What I Wore Wednesday. {Which, to clarify, is not what I wore ON Wednesday, honestly I was confused why people were posting multiple outfits, but what I wore of note FEATURED on Wednesday.} I think it's a good reminder to take some time to feel good about what you're wearing {most} days.

I had a couple of opportunities to feel quite special during the week before my birthday.

This is what I wore for the big dinner Matt took me out too. We had basil bloody mary's and the best crab eva! Now I want to basil in everything.

Special shoes.

Early when Matt and I were dating (like talking on the phonetexting after the first date) I told him I had some clothes in my closet that I needed someone to special to take me out to someplace special so I could wear them.  This was one of those dresses. Early on Saturday I was cleaning out a closet and came across these shoes that I had almost forgot I had, They were the only reason this dress worked as well as it did.

This is what 26 looks like. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

a photo an hour for... 98 hours?!

Thanks to Amy's most recent a little of this a little of that post I became aware of Ali Edwards' Week In The Life week/event coming up next week. I'm planning to play along, because all you really need to start is your camera/phone/pen (if you're an illustrator, which I am not, but how cool would that be) and, oh, a pen and piece of paper to catalog your day.

I was just thinking this weekend that I would like to do a "day in the life/picture every hour post" like James {bleubird} . Kyla . Kaylah {dainty squid} . and I'm sure many others have.

We'll see where this takes me. I may end up with a bunch of semi-cruddy pictures and scribbled notes that I never do anything with. It'll be fun along the way.

I know that "tackling the "putting together" phase of Week In The Life will be the hardest part. Maybe if I purchase a fancy Scrapbooking Kit it will motivate me.

(must remember budget. save, save, save.) But I won't, I will just swoon!

So expect to see WEEK IN THE LIFE | 2011 JULY 25th – JULY 31st here on the bloggyblog! And hopefully a bit of scrapping/journalling in the following weeks.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

GoJee is brilliant

and delicious!

We made this for breakfast, and it was SO quick. It probably took us 12 minutes tops. Then we topped it with basil. so yum.

Friday, July 15, 2011


I stumbled onto Kinfolk through Amanda Jane at the end of June when I posted about Hooray.

I had just 21 days to wait for the release of their magazine.
It was released today and it is quite beautiful.

I can't wait to read every word.

1.   I am a (morning, evening, middle of the day person) fickle pickle when it comes to the time of day. My energy fluctuates. I wish I was more of a morning person.

2.  My favorite Pandora stations are Adele, Ingrid Michaelson, Home, and I'm really loving my new Civil Wars station. 

3.  3 of my "must-have" songs for a road trip playlist are Blackbird, Mercy, and Dog Days are Over.

4.  My favorite pattern is probably polka dots/circles.

5.  My favorite perfume is unkown, I used Amor, Amor for a really long time. I'm almost out and I'm thinking I need to find a new scent. I'm loving my Love, etc lotion from Body Shop (thanks Kayleigh!) and it looks like they have a perfume! I'll have to try it out in September when we're near a shop.

6.  Rules are rules. Some should be questioned, some are valid. Give me a specific one and we can talk.

7.  My most overused phrase or punctuation is probably something like "are you kidding me?!" "seriously?!" I'm not sure.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


13 years ago we read these words for the first time. Ten years ago we heard Hagrid say them on the big screen for the very first time.

Tonight at 12:01 the end is here. 

now they're all grown up.

it's going to be intense.

ps. Do you remember the Golden Globe & Oscar speeches this year about strong, intelligent women? I think Emma fits right in there with the rest of them. She is quite the powerhouse, and I can't wait to see where her career takes here.
"JK Rowling: And Emma… well she just. This sufficient overlap between Emma and Hermione, she…She’s just a poster girl for clever girls isn’t she? She was wonderful. But she could do so much more than just be the nerd. And I think that in- particularly in the last film, she showed that. You know, when she and Dan are playing these two characters who are alone. The depth of emotion Emma came up with there was extraordinary." quoted here

“…but the mere fact that they were still there on either side of him, speaking bracing words of comfort. not shrinking from him as trough he were contaminated or dangerous, was worth more than he could ever tell them.”

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

free crappy portraits


freaking adorable. please pardon the shouting. but seriously. free crappy portraits

why didn't I think of this?!

...obviously a ginger. Last night, my buddies and I purchased a baby goat because my friend built a pen in his bedroom without his parent's knowledge. Technically, the cutie is property of one of my best friends, Noah, however, I'm the baby's father-in-law. This tender cutie's name is Seabass. He's our very best friend already and I really think it'd mean a lot to him if we had a quality portrait together...

You submit a picture and a quick story about yourself and they draw a not crappy portrait of you. 
I really need to send one of Matt & I. 

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