Thursday, October 13, 2011

Stuffed Pablanos

I've been posting a lot about cats and "geeking out" so let's switch gears for a post. Food. Let's talk about food.

I really love to cook but until yesterday I'd taken about 10 days off. The summer is winding down and dare I say it, I'm tiring, only tiring I promise, of tomatoes and we still have a ton. We also have had a ton of pablano peppers and I hate to admit it, more have gotten thrown away then cooked.

It was time, to get back in the kitchen and pull together a yummy meal with some of those peppers. 

 zucchini, bell pepper, sun dried tomatoes {later added fresh cherry & grape tomatoes}

 Oh, but here's the thing I didn't tell you. I worked out after work yesterday, so Matt actually made dinner. 
Thank you, thank you baby.

Pablano Peppers baked at 425-350 (425 seemed to hot and blistered the peppers) stuffed with quinoa, zucchini, bell pepper, sun dried tomatoes and fresh grape/cherry tomatoes. 

Baked for only 20 minutes or so. 

homemade pesto aioli from BLTs Tuesday night, delicious on the side.

A glass of Redwood Creek, of course.

It wasn't the best meal ever and it takes a bit of time to make with the chopping and the quinoa and the baking, but it was complete and good and used our yummy pablanos.

Recipe here. {Gojee!}

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