Friday, January 23, 2015


So I have this blog.


And I haven't posted since March, 3, 2013.

And even that was a post I'd had saved in my drafts for months.

It was just a link a round up

which are easy enough.

I round up links on pinterest, in my email, sent to friends, saved to my pocket, occasionally posted to facebook or now on this. Not this blog here but

But hi!

Maybe if I break radio silence I'll start sharing here more often.

For me.

To look back on.

An online journal.

A place to share links, photos, moments, goals.


Sunday, March 3, 2013


cat versus human - matt is such an animal lover, like cat versus human's guy. i love that about him.

Louis CK, Jesus is Trending

Indie Jane's puppy profiles

Swiss Miss, beautiful swear words

Meg, i believe

Before a little site called pinterest granted me access I used to blog. Now I'm pinning all the things.


Monday, February 11, 2013

coffee + tea exchange

Back in December Beca of Tumbleweeds Handcraft put together a coffee + tea exchange. I love coffee and I'm trying to drink more teas so I definitely signed up. I was lucky to be paired with Lauren of A Wild Tonic.

Lauren is a coffee drinker and so I was geeked to be able to send off a some delicious Populace Coffee and mug from the Cafe! It looks like she loved it or at least the packaging. yay!

Lauren sent me three different teas. I'd never had a China OOlong so I was excited to try it. It didn't disappoint. Sometimes I feel like I live on that Stress Relief tea, and you can't go wrong with a caffeine free set since I mostly drink my teas in the evening.

Thanks Lauren & Beca!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

blueprint prints for valentine's day

Jordan Ferney of Oh Happy Day shared these adorable and giant valentine's last week. They reminded me of the customized prints on A Beautiful Mess. So I thought it'd be fun to personalize one or two for the upcoming lovey dovey holiday.

And it really was! A project that I don't have to leave my couch to do, that I can do while watching skiing, heck yes! I did my desaturation to get close to similar levels. The second photo had already been processed through vscocam so I think there's an extra hightened exposure causing the blur there. It was taken the morning Matt and I made the engagement officially, official with a ring and a proposal. 

I didn't go as big as I could, just 18x24". But we'll be moving someday and probably won't get muchg of a chance to hang them. What am I going to do with two 18x24" prints? I'm not sure, but it sure will be fun to see them in person and gift them to Matt.

ps. holy crap! A blog post, a real one, where I actually did something with the cool stuff I saw online. Not original content but something cool anyhow.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

I consume a lot of media.


A self-confessed tv junkie since the age of eight. I follow 100+ blogs. I'm falling in love with podcasts. I have enough books to fill a room. I receive, by choice, oodles of emails every day, yes oodles. Add to that facebook, pinterest, instagram and twitter what I'm trying to say is:

I consume a lot of media. 

It is starting to become slightly exhausting and overwhelming. (or always has been) I want to share so much of what I read and see and yet never quite get to posting what is so wonderful about each thing because there is always something new to consume and discover.

I don't know how to break it down. Of course, I want to go out and read the latest well-articulated thing, see the cutest outfit, pin a great idea. Yet.. What do I take away from that article? Who will I share it with? Am I going to wear that outfit or ever get to pet that cat? Will I get around to try to make those cool wine bottle glasses?

I don't think so, because soon I'm on to the next thing. Vicious cycle. I said to Matt on Monday, sometimes I feel like a link hoarder. No lie.

Anyway, I want to share some of the things I'm reading and maybe make this a more frequent occurrence.

How To Be An Administrative Assistant | Thought Catalog

Twenty-Seven by Adriane Quinlan | The Awl I now want to read all the things written by her, particularly this with a big box of tissues.

attraction and expectation by meg. I've basically already read all the things written by her. I suggest you do the same.

Meg's post also lead me to Motley Mama. Who seems to have some great content I might peruse. It seems there was a lot of hoopla on her blog last week. I can't even imagine. Truly, I can't, particularly concerning abusive relationships. Makes me ill. It's one of those times that I wish I hadn't learned about a particular "school of thought." It's hard to comprehend. Though as I continue to think on it, maybe it helps me understand that gap between what I believe. as a liberal, agnostic. and what others less conservative than Zoe believe.* It also makes me incredibly grateful to be surrounded by intelligent, self-sufficient, and empowered women.**

This post about defining yourself on social media. Particularly topical to this post, my first read of the day so possibly why I'm writing this now.

*I guess there are things more concerning than link hoarding.
**The oxford comma making a reappearance?


Monday, November 5, 2012

Election Day 2012

It's never been a question to me if I would vote in a Presidential election or not. We're electing our country's representative and leader for the next four years. That person is someone that I would like to represent my views. I'm proud to say that although I don't follow politics closely (they're so politic-y) everyday I'm proud to support President Barack Obama tomorrow and a few months ago and four years ago.

You don't have to vote for everything, but you should vote. Here are 10 very good reasons why from Rachel. Not convinced? Want me to tell you you suck? No, okay well here are more reasons, just overlook the suck part.

And if you so happen to be reading my blog in the Great Lake Bay Region, do remember to vote for the Delta College millage renewal! This millage will support our community college and all of of the students and much more.

Matt and I are going to go to vote together after work. Do you know when you're going? If not...


Sunday, November 4, 2012


even though i should have probably taken advantage of the fact that it feels an hour later than it actually is and and have gone to bed i didn't.

instead i'm here posting a monthly goal list. hello november. i've got a few good ones for you.

in november i would like too... consciously thankful every day. on our list of house projects
...decorate a cozy home for the christmas holiday a super fun shopping weekend
...develop well thought out christmas gift lists for myself and others.
...move my body more (habit) well, but don't overdo it

i had a thought the other day, self-care can't only be self-indulgence. tough one for me. i'm not sure where i'm going to take it from there.

november: elise. andrea, hula70. freckled italian, megan.

and now if the clocks hadn't fallen back the living room light would have gone out which signifies it time to sleep. sleep tight friends. wear a lovely scarf tomorrow.
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