Sunday, June 27, 2010

oh yeah

today, yesterday and friday were good days though. yay! for the weekend. i spent time with lovely friends and family which i totally needed. today was cleaning - rain - more family.

now it's a short work week! let's do it!!!

Friday, June 25, 2010


sleeeep. i guess i needed it. fell asleep at about 10:15p watching an old L&O: CI and with the exception of feeding the cats at 10:30a didn't wake up until 12:45p. holy moly people. i'm a solid nine-hour sleeper when i have the chance, but nearly 15 hours! yikes. you'd think i'd just played nine hours of tennis!

this really through my plans for the day out the window: bank, laundrymat, general productivity, as i still needed my slow weekend morning/afternoon to wake up. i made breakfast, read my book, snuggled kitties, sent an email that needed to be sent and caught up on my google reader. i successfully wasted five hours! (before heading out to post golf-outing dinner!)

i hope for a restful yet productive weekend:

tape, tape, tape.
empty and wash shelves in dining room and library.
wash bathroom and library walls.
see family and go deaf at river roar. (which i can hear from my house! well the concert tonight, i'm not sure about the boats.)
see friends and relax. 

all the paint and primer i bought a few weeks ago, waiting to go on the wall! it'll be good times.

Friday, June 11, 2010

home inspiration overload!

it's been six months since i started bookmarking inspiration - the only thing i was good at for style school! and i have so much. the two-five is just a month away and there is much to do (big party/open house the day before). i think boiling the inspiration down is a great place to start.

i really, really love the pieces of original art and how rachel displays them. i think i'm going to take the art that inspires me and create my own version. my personal version. because that's what i can do at this point, i absolutely want to purchase original pieces some day but that's in the budget at this point.

i wound up with a house that has more shelves than even i can use, including a library! i love the idea of a quote there, in playing with the ideas of painted shelves, and have an amazing curly cue tree that is losing it's branches!

to do & more links!
  • hit garage sales this weekend to find goodies, even if temporary, for shelves! (oh my goodness! or wonderful plates to stencil) or fun projects with flash cards!
  • take camera and go on letter hunt!
  • buy handles for side table. not very functional if you can't open the drawers!
  • magazine  holders. seriously. 
  • buy wonderful sewing machine with table. for tv wall!! (seriously, ten bucks how can you pass it up?!)
  • i love the use of these spools as a hose hanger

i think my next step will be making a real to do list for all these projects and figuring out when everything can and needs to be done!

i can't pass up a good fill in the blank!

I love... my kitties, my family, inspiration, myself, feeling safe and happy.

Right now I want... to be right where i am, hopeful, inspired, and excited.

I feel like... i should probably get moving, the day is slipping away!

I hate it when... i don't know or understand what is going on!

I fear... i won't ever feel complete or balanced.

I'm lonely without... everyone and no one.

I need... loved ones, good food, laughter, sunshine, lazy days, books, kitties.

Today I... am going to buy paint for my house, finish my home inspiration blog post, and go bowling.

Tomorrow I'm... weeding the evil vine out of my yard, mowing, cleaning, and doing laundry. the stuff that needs to be done!

I just... want to be...

I want to meet... myself at seven and myself five years from now and have dinner. that would be so cool.

I'm hungry for... Chicken BBQ pizza. < yeah that sounds good!

I love it when... i just feel happy and relaxed.

I'm afraid of... not realizing myself as who i could be.

I'm listening to... Regina Spektor Pandora, lawns being mowed, birds chirping!

I'm wearing... pjs

I wish I was in... his arms

I want to get... so much! you should see my wishlist. i want to get my mum a bday gift from someplace downtown and myself these things from i love lune:

ordered!! my second etsy purchase!! :)

I can't... wait to see what happens next!

I'm nervous to... see what happens next!

I feel happiest when... i'm sitting in back yard enjoying the trees and sky and birds and maybe a good book.

(via and this is what she said)

Sunday, June 6, 2010


F antastic, E njoyable, B eautiful, R ed, U nique,  A dventurous, R ejuvenatory, Y ou and me
Fantastic, Enjoyable
 For the most part. I had a wonderful dinner party with fabulous friends, learned I could fall for someone, enjoyed snuggles with said someone and had a fantastic trip to Chicago. (the highlights)
 Beautiful, Red
Yes. Had an absolute blast decorating for vday holiday, making ridiculous hearts for my cats to wear and a handmade valentines day card.
Unique, Adventurous
Certainly. I'd never been broken up with before by someone I was falling for. I'd never adventured in new parts of Chicago (Renegade Handmade, Friars, etc). I threw my first dinner party and decorated my home with hearts (that are still on the front door - in June!)

No. I got hurt and that threw me off. I was all wrapped in ideas and plans and daydreams. I didn't write much, I don't think I took time for myself. So no, plans of rejuvenation fell through.
You and me 
 Sigh. We had some good times, some real sweet times. I think he might have been the perfect first person to fall for as I started this dating adventure. We had ideas and talked a lot, but in the end it didn't work out and I understand why. It was fun to think though. 
myself, art journal, yard
so wrapped up in myself. this was a yucky prediction of the future. i think i related everything that happened in may to me. how ever unrelated to me it was. this may be something i struggle with for  a long time. but i'm learning. 
art journal
nada. i did buy some supplies and thought i would start a bit late. didn't follow through. but just like with style school. i can do it another time when i'm feeling more crafty and creative.

success! i've had so much fun working in my yard. everyt time i go out there i realize how much work we've done and how much work we still have to do. it really is a wonderful yard and so fun to work in. over the years (yes, it will take years!) it will really look fantastic and more like my yard! 
  so. while i didn't not have the month i expected in february or may (or march or april) it was something. i learned things. absolutely. thank goodness. because what is life without learning? and that's truly all i can hope for. 

"It’s only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth — and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up — that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." Elisabeth Kubler-Ross (via)
ps. i'm in the mood to write, so i might as well post back to back. i might even write another one (or two!)

worry. happy.

Do you remember the things you were worrying about a year ago? How did they work out? Didn’t you waste a lot of fruitless energy on account of most of them? Didn’t most of them turn out all right after all?”  Dale Carnegie (via the messes i make)

2009. finding a job in within 5.5 hours of home.
2008. finding a job and apartment in new york.
2007. finding a job in bay city.
2006. ending work at delphi. enjoying the summer, getting ready to travel with mom.
2005. being newly single.

well that's not what i excpected it to be. i didn't realize for the past three springs i have been job hunting. or that this is my first fully employed spring of my 24 years. this is my first spring when big changes aren't taking place. i'm trying to find a balance of work, friendship and self.

when are you happiest?

some answers from friends:

When I'm by myself being quiet. 
When I'm on an adventure, learning something new, discovering. 
When my kitty is so happy to see me, after an ass kicking workout, shopping and snuggling with someone special.

I absolutely identify with all those, but most of all by myself, being quiet. At least, right now, I think that's what I need to focus on the most. Because I much as I think I know what I want, sometimes I realize that I'm not really sure. I'm pretty good at doing that and think I need to start making more of it.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

six things

six things i want to accomplish this june.

  1. wash walls and paint main floor a lovely color or two. or five.
  2. stick to my budget.
  3. decorate my home.
  4. learn to use my grill and lawnmower and make a fire in my firebowl.
  5. drink more water.
  6. keep my house picked up and dusted.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

holy june where did you come from?!

oh life, where have you gone with the first five months of twenty ten? i'm oh so happy it's june, and i certainly don't want to go back but "holy june where did you come from?!"

and as it is june first i spent the last few hours of may thinking about what i wanted my words to be and how i did with may's. well i don't think i'm super pleased with may but i'll write about that tomorrow. today is about looking forward.


. Just . Update . Now . Enjoy .
Just . breathe, be, relax. don't over think. just take in the moment. enjoy it Now. i'm such an over thinker and i really just almost missed an opportunity because of it. and Now i'm here Just Enjoying it. i'm hoping it'll keep going, wherever that is. i'm Just along for the ride.

Update . paint, wood, color, natural, art. putting some of my style on to the walls of my home. the wood was uncovered in may and now the yellow and orange will soon cover the white. it will feel like my place in so many more ways. i think i will do a little etsy art window shopping soon. and maybe make some purchases.

Now . don't overplan the house, don't over think the path, don't get distracted by the unimportant. just be here Now, and focus on what you can accomplish today, in this moment, in this month. tonight i'm going to go home and make a list of all the things that i want to do in my house. and then i will figure out what i can do between now and seven*eleven and the big two*five.

Enjoy . sensing a theme? don't worry, Just Enjoy. maybe if i focus on one task, of having a fully enjoyable month right here and Now. i'll come back in july feeling relieved that i finally accomplished my goals for the month. let's hope! relieved and refreshed and ready to turn twenty-five. 

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